Essay, Research Paper: Profiles In Courage

Book Reports

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John F. Kennedy, the author of Profiles in Courage, felt there
were many politically courageous people. Kennedy seemed to define courageous as
someone willing to risk one's personal assets to stand up for he believes is
right and good. Eight different people, including John Quincy Adams, Thomas
Benton, and Sam Houston, are illustrated in this book. Each of these people made
outstanding political moves just defend one's beliefs. While some were
scrutinized, others amazed the population and history was made. John Quincy
Adams was the Senator of Massachesetts. He resided with the Federalist party.
John showed courage when the Louisianna Purchase was an issue. Adams supported
the purchase. Support of the Louisianna Purchase didn't coincide with the
beliefs of the Federalist party. That didn't stop Adams from pushing to pass the
purchase. The Embargo Bill was created to stop the British from taking Americans
sailor without proof of citizenship (and even some with proof). Adams
constituents thought the Embargo Bill would instigate another war. Support of
such subject caused his party-mates and constituents to re-think their view of
the Massachusetts Senator. Daniel Webster, House of Representatives member, was
a Federalist and was most famous for is "Seventh of March" speech.
While slavery seemed to be the main issue of the time, the speech spoke mainly
of preserving the Union. Although he was opposed to slavery, he seldom brought
it up in his political activities. These pressures haunted him around the time
he was fighting to be re-elected. Thomas Benton was a Senator of Missouri who
had negative relations with President Jackson. Benton supported the Missouri
Compromise, but opposed the National Bank and slavery. Seeing how Missouri was a
slave state, Thomas recieved much ridicule. This caused Benton to lose office
during the next election. Sam Houston was the first Senator of Texas and a part
of the Democrat party. Houston was stricktly opposed to the succession of the
Union. Eventually he lost his seat as Senator. Soon after he was voted into the
Governer office to continue his opposition to succession. Edmund Ross was a
Senator of Kansas. His moment of courage came about during the impeachment of
Andrew Jackson. His vote was the final and deciding vote (in a two-thirds vote
requirement) to keep Jackson in office. Career failure haunted him thereafter.
Lucius Lamar was a Representative for Mississippi. Lamar was opposed to free
silver for his constituents. Free silver would later mathematically prove to put
a damper on the economy. Since his constituents were poverty stricken, they
supported free silver. George Norris was a member of the House. He was
previously a diplomat to Germany. During the time that the US was about to enter
World War I, Norris was opposed. He also filibustered against the Armed Ship
Bill because he hated war. George failed in these efforts. Robert Taft was a
Republican from Ohio. He tried and failed many times to become president. Taft's
iron mind never let him give up though. As far as foriegn affair were concerned,
he was an isolationist and opposed many of the United State's international
actions. Each of these men were courageous in many more way than one. Throughout
history, many tales of strength are made. Kennedy saw it and defined it for the
public quite well. Hopefully many will follow in the footsteps of these great
men. With the example set and many people watching, this country will surely
grow to be a strong one.

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